Hey, when you find out what you're good at....

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Juggling Funds...

Right now, there's a possiblilty that we could have the money in place to get pregnant much sooner than we thought... like next month. That's way earlier than I anticipated originally and I'm excited about it. There's a way that we could have the money in hand right now, but it's financially risky, so we're going to wait.

It's really beginning to look like we're going to do the vasectomy reversal (per my friend's reccomendation of a good doctor :) and I'm excited about the whole "trying" aspect of it again. If you go through IUI like we did to conceive our last child, it works, or it doesn't. It's not much fun, and if you're not made of money, then there are only so many times that you can try and fail. So, the thought of being able to have the reversal and have an unlimited amount of times to try takes some of the pressure off. Besides... doing it the old fashioned way is way more fun ;)

I am going to go ahead and talk to my OBGYN about getting my cycles on track to make conception a little more likely, since I don't ovulate regularly. Also, as soon as the reversal is done, I'm going to cut back my diet and exercise regime to allow for my cycles to normalize a little also. Right now, my diet is too strict, and my workouts are too intense to support fertility... so that needs to change. Though, I do plan on sticking to a moderate exercise routine, and a sensible diet while I'm pregnant (sensible as in, not eating fast food every day lol... because let's face it, when you're craving something really bad, how sensible can you be?) I want to remain healthy throughout my pregnancy and after. Last time, I lost weight too quickly after the baby was born, and my milk supply suffered for it. I am going to take better care to keep that from happening this time around.

Lastly, we changed the baby girl's name... Tony wasn't crazy about Addison, so we may swap it out for Abigail Brynna. We don't plan on finding out the sex this time around, so we're going to pick 2 boy names and 2 girl names and see which name fits our newest addition when the time comes.

I hope everything manages to come together. I'm ready.

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