Hey, when you find out what you're good at....

Friday, December 10, 2010

My Day Off...

So, per my plan, I didn't run today. I have a couple miles to do in the morning, but today was solidly lazy. I did head out to the store about 3 too many times today trying to find a gift (ended up getting a gift card), getting groceries, and then taking my brother to get his groceries... though that time didn't really count because I just sat in the parking lot for the whole 15 or so minutes it took for him to get his food. It was a little cold, but it was a lot quiet. That was nice. I didn't feel much like walking around by myself, and I felt less like having to hear anything about Jon Cena. I swear I've never watched pro-wrestling, but I could tell you more than enough about the Nexus storyline. And no, I'm not proud of that.

Anyway, the point is, it was a sad day off. My mind wasn't consumed by running, the thought of running, or my current hatred of running... and therefore it was allowed to roam to unsettling feelings of baby. Ugh. The good news is, while I'm running, I'm not thinking about getting pregnant, I'm only thinking "good God how many miles could I possibly have left!?" But it's the not running days that I'm going to have to work on. One day at a time, right? I will eventually get over this.

I can't help but think, in a perfect world, we would hit the lottery, move away from this place, and live out our lives stress free with as many babies as God blessed us with. Ugh. I'm so glad that I will be running tomorrow... even if I currently LOATHE running.

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