Hey, when you find out what you're good at....

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Results Are In...

Invaild. Yes, invalid. In 10 years of taking pregnancy tests, whether they were positive or negative, they were always SOMETHING. Not this time. No, this time there were no lines. None. Does that mean I'm super not pregnant? I couldn't even make the control line show up? So I went back out to the store and got a 2 pack and will try again in the morning. One to be negative tomorrow, and one to be positive in February.

Tony is convinced that I'm pregnant. Me, not so much. I have the flu, period. It's cute though, to see him all excited. It really makes me anxious for the time when we really get to try, and I really get to say I'm pregnant.

In other news, after nearly 14 months of breastfeeding, Aaron has decided he's ready to wean. Normally, that's a good thing. But not for me. I have a clogged duct and it hurts like Hell. Since he's not nursing as much, it's making things worse. I've been heating it, and taking tylenol for the pain, but it still hurts. It feels like someone took the spiked head of a medieval mace and shoved it into my breast. Sounds fun, right? Don't you wish you had your own clogged duct?

The next order of buisness is trying to dry up my supply. As soon as the pregnancy test comes back negative tomorrow morning, I'm going to drastically drop my caloric intake to shock my body. In turn, my milk supply should tank, because my body should be more concerned with sustaining my own life, and not Aaron's. At least, that's my hypothesis. Also, when the test comes back negative tomorrow, I may head to the doctor in case my breast is infected. I'm not running a fever, so I'm pretty sure it's not, but better safe than sorry.


  1. I totally know the feeling. I don't remember how many tests I took during the first few months after Michael's Vasectomy (which we had to pay for out of pocket as well, no insurance that I have checked will pay for it, or a reversal). But I felt silly taking them after they were negative. But NOW....3 days late...2 negative tests....we shall see!
    Thanks for all the baby dust!!!!!!!!
    That would be awesome if you were pregnant, and even "awesomer" if we were pregnant together!

  2. I think I only thought I was pregnant (without actually being pregnant) once since Tony had his vasectomy. For some reason I was regular, and then had a 71 day cycle. It was crazy.

    I hope that you end up getting your BFP this time around! It would be great to be pregnant together! Even if it's just for a couple of months :)
